
Ruth Clare

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Being your true self: A Life Changing Experiment by Ruth Clare

Hello lovely human! It seems like it should be the easiest thing, doesn't it? To be ourselves. But past experiences and our ever-present fear of rejection and judgement make the whole thing is much harder than it should be. I have a book coming out later this year called Turn Fear into Courage. As someone who has lived much of my life with my fight, flight, freeze, fawn response turned all the way up, and who has expressed fear in so many ways – people pleasing, perfectionism, imposter...

Hello lovely human! Welcome to The Life Changing Experiment. While there is no quick fix, exact formula or guaranteed path to mental health, consistent small changes can really add up over time. This newsletter is both a prompt and an invitation for you to try out life-changing ideas and strategies, take new actions and observe with scientific curiosity those things that work best for you. Thanks for being here. I can’t wait to hear how your experiments go! Much love, THIS WEEK'S EXPERIMENT...