The Life Changing Experiment Newsletter #2: Can changing your beliefs change your world?

Hello lovely human!

Welcome to The Life Changing Experiment. While there is no quick fix, exact formula or guaranteed path to mental health, consistent small changes can really add up over time. This newsletter is both a prompt and an invitation for you to try out life-changing ideas and strategies, take new actions and observe with scientific curiosity those things that work best for you.

Thanks for being here. I can’t wait to hear how your experiments go!

Much love,


Test Question:
Can changing your beliefs change your world?


Fact or belief?
We often blame things beyond our control for our decisions, telling ourselves we can’t do something we want to do because we don’t have the time, the money, the skills. But it is often our beliefs that are the larger issue.

While your decisions may have some basis in objective truth, you might be unaware just how much your unconscious beliefs are shaping your perception and filtering your experience of the world. It is worthwhile becoming aware of your beliefs, because many times these are the things that are often holding us back from living the lives we want.


Make the unconscious conscious

By becoming aware of your beliefs, you can assess whether you really believe they are true. Often times you will find they don’t stand up to rational examination.

Some unhelpful things I used to believe are:

  • No one will value my perspective or want to hear what I have to say
  • I am not good enough or likeable enough to be successful
  • I don’t have time to write a book and work and care for my family
  • I can’t say what I believe because other people will judge me
  • I should be able to do everything without help
  • I am too old to start a new career

You can choose new beliefs

Seeing that your beliefs aren’t “the truth”, but rather stories you have told yourself about the way things work, gives you the power to choose different beliefs. How do you make a new belief your own? Start acting as if you believe it! Behaving differently and taking different actions that reflect your new belief are the key.

Some of my new beliefs are:

  • I haven’t failed if I haven’t stopped trying
  • Other people’s opinions of me are reflections of their own limiting beliefs, I don’t have to take them on board
  • I can do anything I put my mind to
  • It might be harder than I want, but I can do hard things
  • Small steps forward add up over time
  • There is no age limit on pursuing your dreams
  • Being outside of my comfort zone is how I grow

If it is so easy, why don’t more people do this?

Challenging your beliefs can feel destabilizing. It can push you outside of your comfort zone and make you feel defensive. But I am a big believer in taking calculated life risks based on a cost/ benefit analysis. What is holding onto the your old belief costing you? What benefit might a new belief give you?

How are your negative beliefs stopping you?

This week, catch yourself when you are making an external circumstance the problem. Ask what you currently belief that makes you feel incapable of making changes to impact the situation. What new belief might be more empowering? If you did believe that, what new actions might you take today? Do that. Repeat.

Our beliefs aren’t set in stone. The only way old beliefs have power over us is if we continue to choose to believe them.

Ideas and perspectives


“You are imperfect, but you are worthy of love and belonging.
Brene Brown

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”
Zig Ziglar

Share the results of your experiment

If this experiment produced interesting results for you I would love to hear about it. You can email or share your stories on the socials @ruthclareauthor where everyone can benefit from your wisdom.

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Ruth Clare

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